The Winners of 1st Bow-making Competition

ConcorsoLucchi2016-128The Jury, Maestro Pietro Cavalazzi, Maestro Adriano Massari and Maestro Luigi Mazza, examined the bows in competition on May 14th 2016 and established the winner bow makers.
During the awards ceremony in the May 15th 2016 the winners were:ConcorsoLucchi2016-076



1st Prize – maestro BERND ETZLER
2nd Prize – maestro TAMAS SZIRAKI
3rd Prize – maestro ANDRAS NAGY


The jury also awarded two “Special Prizes of the Jury” for the following reasons:
Special Jury Prize for “Good style and sound balance” to maestro Eun Jin Hong
Special Jury Prize for “Good tonal quality” to maestro Vincenzo Furfaro

The competition bows will be on display until May 29th, 2016 from 10am to 5pm at Castello Sforzesco in Milan.