
A hallmark of Fondazione Lucchi is the attention and the heed to new generation. For this reason, we are constantly seeking for dialogue with young student by providing the possibility to carry out the internship at our Fondazione. We involved in many different areas such as artisanal, musical and didactic one. It is, without any doubt, an interesting possibility that guarantee room for self-development of the student. INGDiamo valore alle idee
For this reason, we are glad to host interns with always new idea on how to create a more effective and efficient communication about our current project but also future one. This type of support was performed by a student of the Università della svizzera italiana located in Lugano, that has done internship at Fondazione Lucchi. “Personally, I think it is a stimulating experience that allow me to get in touch with a small reality that has a high potential. At Fondazione Lucchi you are expect every day to perform different activities and the personal opinion is always taken into account creating the perfect place to test myself and to improve my knowledge”.

For more information about the possibility to do an internship